• What is the Fastest Way to Save Money?

    What is the Fastest Way to Save Money? Stop eating out! 

    What is the Fastest Way to Save Money? Stop eating out!  Seriously, stop it, or cut way back.  I know you don’t want to hear it.  No one does.  Eating out can be the biggest waste of your hard-earned money and your precious time.  Allow me to explain it. 

  • 4 Highly Effective Habits of Debt-Free People

    4 Highly Effective Habits of Debt Free People

    Ask anyone who has a credit card debt or massive school loans what their next wish would be, and they’ll probably wish the debt to go away for life. Debt tends to obscure the future by taking all the money and the mental energy for itself. The mind has a way of amplifying situations. So the more we focus on the debts, the more we feel financially deprived and the more we may feel the…

  • Using Credit Cards in a Smart Way

    Using Credit Cards in a Smart Way

    Using Credit Cards in a Smart Way - There is much debate about the role credit cards should play in a family's life and finances. Some would argue that credit cards do nothing but sink consumers into more and more debt. After all, credit card interest rates can be among the highest rates we pay on any type of loan, depending on your credit score. That's mainly because credit card debt is considered unsecured debt.…

  • Tips to Teach Your Teenagers to Be Smart with Money

    Tips to Teach Your Teenagers to Be Smart with Money

    Teach Your Teenagers to Be Smart with Money...It is our goal as parents to teach our children how to behave when they grow up. Not only does this include how hard they work and how they treat others, but it also includes how they handle money. If you are struggling with debt, it can be hard to teach them how to be smart with money. You are supposed to show them how to be smart…

  • Strategies for Paying Off Student Loans

    Strategies for Paying Off Student Loans

    Strategies for Paying Off Student Loans - Every year increasing numbers of students struggle with student loans. The total amount of student loan debt in the United States is now over $1.6 Trillion. Student loans are a very serious cause of financial stress for many in this country. Graduates feel lost, even helpless, trying to balance large monthly payments with other expenses. Luckily, it is possible to pay off student debt and still maintain an…

  • Millennial Money Mistakes You Can’t Afford To Make

    Millennial Money Mistakes You Can't Afford To Make

    Millennial Money Mistakes You Can't Afford To Make - One of the most common millennial money mistakes is failing to save your money. When you're no longer living off college loans, and you finally have some income, it can be tempting to spend it all. However, falling into this habit can ruin your finances fast. Millennials often make the mistake of not educating themselves on investing. You'll need to build up a healthy bank balance…

  • How Cash Can Be Dangerous For Your Finances

    How Cash Can Be Dangerous For Your Finances

    How Cash Can Be Dangerous For Your Finances - There are many benefits to keeping cash; it is safe from hackers, exempt from credit and debit fees, and does not require any hardware or software to use. Most importantly, nothing feels better than having a wallet full of twenties. What most people do not realize is that cash has some serious downsides. Believe it or not, a study from Fletcher School at Tufts University found…

  • 10 Steps To Taking Control Of Your Debts

    10 Steps To Taking Control Of Your Debts

    10 Steps To Taking Control Of Your Debts - Few of us go through life without incurring debt. Borrowing money is a convenient way to help us through life. However, when debt starts building up, it can become a major problem. Ignoring the issue is going to make matters worse, so it's important to manage debt. The following steps can help you reduce your debt. Please note that these steps are aimed at people whose…

  • 6 Ways to Stop Overspending

    6 Ways to Stop Overspending

    6 Ways to Stop Overspending - Occasional impulse buying is a behavior that everyone experiences from time to time, but it can difficult to tell when it crosses the line into habitual overspending. There are many reasons why we overspend, whether it's stress-related or simply the result of poor budgeting, and thankfully there are a number of strategies that can help address those underlying issues and bring spending habits under control.

  • 7 Sure Ways of Becoming Debt Free

    7 Sure Ways of Becoming Debt Free

    7 Sure Ways of Becoming Debt Free - Becoming debt free is a journey that requires the right mindset, planning, discipline, and commitment. Sacrifices will have to be made, and it will take time. It is not easy, but the great news is that ‘It Is Possible’.

  • 1 Thing Keeping My Husband from Wanting to be Debt Free

    1 Thing Keeping My Husband from Wanting to be Debt Free

    1 Thing Keeping My Husband from Wanting to be Debt Free - My husband was not on board with getting out of debt and living debt-free because of the fear of going without. It was the sacrifice that made him leery. He did not want to go without EVERYTHING he was used to, and I get that. I did not expect him to. We sat down and talked about how much money each of us…