• Fixed Income Investments: Everything you need to know

    Fixed Income Investments: Everything you need to know

    Everything you need to know about fixed income investments - When it comes to investing, there are many options available, and it can be overwhelming to know where to start. One type of investment that is often overlooked is fixed income investments. Here is a comprehensive explanation of fixed income investments by delving into their nature, mechanisms, and the significance they hold as an integral component within an investment portfolio.

  • 4 Highly Effective Habits of Debt-Free People

    4 Highly Effective Habits of Debt Free People

    Ask anyone who has a credit card debt or massive school loans what their next wish would be, and they’ll probably wish the debt to go away for life. Debt tends to obscure the future by taking all the money and the mental energy for itself. The mind has a way of amplifying situations. So the more we focus on the debts, the more we feel financially deprived and the more we may feel the…

  • How Often Should You Check Your Credit Report for Accuracy?

    How Often Should You Check Your Credit Report for Accuracy?

    According to Experian, one of the three credit bureaus, you should check your credit report at least once a year. You should check more often if you plan to finance a big purchase in the next few months or if you know you are at increased risk of fraud. Checking your credit report annually protects yourself from fraud and allows you to review where your credit accounts stand. It's important to monitor your credit report…

  • Using Credit Cards in a Smart Way

    Using Credit Cards in a Smart Way

    Using Credit Cards in a Smart Way - There is much debate about the role credit cards should play in a family's life and finances. Some would argue that credit cards do nothing but sink consumers into more and more debt. After all, credit card interest rates can be among the highest rates we pay on any type of loan, depending on your credit score. That's mainly because credit card debt is considered unsecured debt.…

  • How do I Raise Financially Savvy Kids?

    How to Raise Financially Savvy Kids

    How do I Raise Financially Savvy Kids? - Study after study has shown that both poverty and financial security tend to follow generational trends. Children who are born into well-to-do families are more likely than their less well-off peers to finish college and enjoy success in their careers. At the same time, the children of impoverished parents are more likely than most to follow in the footsteps of those who went before, and breaking that…

  • Tips to Teach Your Teenagers to Be Smart with Money

    Tips to Teach Your Teenagers to Be Smart with Money

    Teach Your Teenagers to Be Smart with Money...It is our goal as parents to teach our children how to behave when they grow up. Not only does this include how hard they work and how they treat others, but it also includes how they handle money. If you are struggling with debt, it can be hard to teach them how to be smart with money. You are supposed to show them how to be smart…

  • Fifteen Ways to Help You Save Money

    Fifteen Ways to Help You Save Money

    Fifteen Ways to Help You Save Money - Research shows that money is the biggest source of stress for Americans. Millenials are especially concerned. According to a study, 58 percent of Americans age 18 - 34 are so concerned about their current financial state that they're unable to save for their future. Most financial related stress comes from the rising cost of living and/or substantial debt. In fact, the average American owes at least 5,700 dollars…

  • Strategies for Paying Off Student Loans

    Strategies for Paying Off Student Loans

    Strategies for Paying Off Student Loans - Every year increasing numbers of students struggle with student loans. The total amount of student loan debt in the United States is now over $1.6 Trillion. Student loans are a very serious cause of financial stress for many in this country. Graduates feel lost, even helpless, trying to balance large monthly payments with other expenses. Luckily, it is possible to pay off student debt and still maintain an…

  • 5 Effective Ways to Stay Debt Free

    5 Effective Ways to Stay Debt Free

    Getting out of debt and staying out of debt is not easy. It requires you to apply certain principles in managing your finances and to practice financial discipline as well. To achieve this, here are 5 effective ways to help you manage your finances and stay debt free

  • Top 10 Credit Score Myths

    Top 10 Credit Score Myths

    Top 10 Credit Score Myths - There is no shortage of myths when it comes to credit scores. Even with all the buzz about credit scores today, a surprisingly high percentage of people don't understand the basic principle that a credit score measures creditworthiness. When it comes to your credit, what you don't know can hurt you. Let's take a look at ten myths and separate fact from fiction.